June 2003 - The Pied Piper and The Working Children
June 2004 - The Wizard of Oz
June 2005 - Alice in Wonderland
May 2006 - Cinderella and Snow White at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2007 - Peter Pan and Pinocchio at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2008 - Beauty and the Beast, The Elves and the Shoemaker and The Working Children at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2009 - The Little Mermaid, Hansel and Gretel and Sleeping Beauty at Falkirk Town Hall
May 2010 - An Evening of Fairy Tales - The Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Ballad of Robin Hood and The Emperor's New Clothes at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2011 - An Evening of Fairytales - Aladdin, The Wizard of Oz and the Princess and the Pea at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2012 - An Evening of Fairytales - Alice in wonderland, Rapunzel and Big Bad and Little Red at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2013 – Cinderella, Snow White and When Fairytales Collide at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2014 - Peter Pan, Pinocchio and Beauty IS a beast at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2015 - Beauty and the Beast, Elves and the Shoemaker, and The Working Children at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2016 - Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty and the Little Mermaid at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2017 - The Pied Piper of Hamelin and The Emperor’s New Clothes at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2018 - The Wizard of Oz and Aladdin at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2019 - Alice in Wonderland and Big Bad and Little Red at Falkirk Town Hall.
May 2020 - Show cancelled due to COVID 19 – online show
May 2021 - Show cancelled due to COVID 19
May 2022 - An evening of Fairytales - Snow White and Cinderella at Falkirk Town Hall
May 2023 - An Evening of Fairytales - Peter Pan and Pinocchio at Grangemouth Town Hall
May 2024 – An Evening of Fairytales - Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid at Grangemouth Town Hall.